Dennis Ricardo Bernardes Coleman

Candidate for Half Moon Bay City Council

Age: 46

Occupation: Marketing Consultant, Columnist

Education and Qualifications: My qualifications include energy, ethics, capabilities, experience, and a strong commitment to restore some balance to a City Council now dominated by residential development interests.

Having lived in Half Moon Bay for 7 years, regularly attended local government meetings, and provided much public commentary, I understand City problems and opportunities, and how open communication and process involvement can clarify the real issues and identify our best options.

I believe that informed voters can prevent political power from being sold to the highest bidder; that private enterprise should not depend on tax subsidies; and that development should be managed first to benefit the economy and quality of life of current residents.

I want creative land use planning, less emphasis on houses, gated communities and golf, and more emphasis on preserving and profiting from our unique location and environment. When the City acts, I want local property owners, businesses, and residents to be better off as a result.

I graduated from Duquesne University and attended the University of Idaho. I have 20 years of software and systems development and marketing experience, plus 6 years of recent experience as an independent consultant and magazine columnist. I'm married with one daughter, who graduated from San Francisco State.

/s/ Dennis Ricardo Bernardes Coleman

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